

Paul studied Graphic Arts at Liverpool Art School (JMU), has a MA in Graphic Design from Camberwell College of Arts (UAL), and a Ph.D in Contemporary Art from the University of Coimbra, where he has taught on the Design and Multimedia course since 2013 and conducts research at CISUC (Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra). His academic work includes publications in the areas of design, typography, illustration and pedagogy. He is a designer and illustrator working professionally as Studio And Paul, with clients in the areas of culture, publishing, and architecture. His graphic works were included in Ficciones Typografika, Minneapolis (2015); Cheap: street art poster festival, Bologna (2017); Trnava Poster Triennial (2018), and the Golden Bee 13 Global Graphic Design Biennale in Moscow (2018). His design, illustration, and artworks have also been included in several group and solo exhibitions in Portugal and the UK. Previously, he was a designer at Teatro Nacional São João, Porto; English Touring Opera, HOK, Urban Initiatives, 32 films, and Camberwell Press in London; and Mocha Productions in Liverpool. He illustrated the books Palavras Viageiras (2016) and O Pequeno País dos Frutos (2019) by João Pedro Mésseder and wrote and illustrated the children's book, A Almoçarada do Billy Bolly, published by Xerefé in 2016.



Pharmacist, illustrator, graphic designer, DJ and artist João Oliveira has collaborated with Studio And Paul since 2019. As a designer and creator he associates (maybe subconsciously) his scientific experimentation background – Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences by the University of Coimbra – with its creative work. He hosts the radio show 'Vacina Contra O Tédio' at RUC (Radio University of Coimbra) since 2010.